When installing a commercial fire alarm, it's important to do the job properly. If you don't, you may be held liable for the damage a fire causes -- and, even worse, people could be harmed in a fire. The next time you install a commercial fire alarm, make sure you avoid these four costly commercial fire alarm installation mistakes.
Mistake 1: Not Checking Local Codes
Before you begin any work, you need to check the fire codes of the city or county you're working in. These codes set forth the minimum legal requirements for commercial fire alarms installed in the area. You must meet every applicable code or else the fire chief may not approve your installation when they inspect it.
Mistake 2: Not Reviewing Loan Agreements
If your customer has a loan on the building that you're installing the commercial fire alarm in, the lienholder will want to make sure their building is as protected as possible from the danger of fire. They may have included specific requirements in the loan agreements that the customer is required to follow. Before you provide a quote, ask the customer to review their specific loan agreements to see if there are any special requirements set forth by a lienholder. If there are, you'll want to factor them into the cost of the job.
Mistake 3: Not Reading the Insurance Policy
Similarly, insurers may also have specific requirements that they expect the building's commercial fire alarm to meet. They're insuring the building against fire, after all, and want to reduce the risk that they'll have to pay on a claim. You should also suggest that your customer review their insurance documents to see what kind of commercial fire alarm is required by their insurance company.
Mistake 4: Not Including Notification for Management
Most commercial fire alarms include automatic notification for fire departments. If the alarm is activated, fire departments are immediately called so that they can respond as quickly as possible. Fire departments aren't the only people who should be immediately notified of a fire, though.
Every commercial fire alarm you install should also include an automatic notification for the manager of the building. Sending them an automatic message that the alarm has been activated and fire department called will let them respond as quickly as possible to any fire-related emergency.
Avoiding these mistakes may make each job take a little bit longer, as there is paperwork to wade through and an additional feature to include. This time is well invested, though. Any of these mistakes could prove costly if there ever is a fire and the alarm system you install doesn't work properly.
For fire alarm installation, contact a company such as Schmidt Security Pro-Since 1976.
Share3 June 2016
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